Norway's official marketplace platform for green technology - The Explorer - a free matchmaking service for connecting global challenges with green solutions - funded by the Ministry of Climate and supported by Norway's largest private companies together with Innovation Norway - profiles Cinderella Eco Incineration Toilets at the forefront of this green revolution.
*Photo above shows a Cinderella a technology meeting with (from left) Mari Lise Andersen Sunde, SCM consultant, Gunhild Sjøvik, CEO and Bård Olav Sugustad, CTO
The Explorer portal promotes green technology from Norway to the world. Here you can read short texts about some of the most exciting green solutions on offer from leading Norwegian companies. These are distributed to a large and targeted international audience through digital channels, events, embassies and more.
An important requirement for companies is that they meet one or more of the UN's Sustainable Development Goals (SDG's)
With our water-free toilets, Cinderella Eco Group is particularly involved in meeting the goals of SDG number 6: Clean water and sanitation for all by 2030. We mark the UN's World Water Day every year on March 22 and UN World Toilet Day on November 19. Both these dates are important to us, highlighting the fact that over half of the world's population, 4,2 billion people, still lack safe toilets.
In addition, SDG number 3, Good Health, is of crucial importance to us. Our solutions ensure pathogen-free waste, free of all harmful bacteria, which prevents the transmission of infections and diseases in water and soils that cause high mortality. Every year, we mark World Health Day on April 7.
Proud to be listed among leading green innovators
The Explorer contributes to promote Norwegian exports and value creation and Cinderella is proud to be in such celebrated company with some of the country's most innovative environmentally conscious contributors. See the link to the presentation of Cinderella Eco Group in the portal here. Be sure to click on the film to see more.
Continuously developing our CSR strategies
As a sustainably managed company, located in a small island community in the heart of the Norwegian fjords on the mid-western coast, Cinderella Eco Group is part of a family owned company in its fourth generation. CEO Gunhild Sjøvik is dedicated to bringing grounded, local family values into every part of the company’s value chain. This means a continuous focus on developing responsible management and respecting those resources we are given and those we create.
When nature calls, is a payoff Cinderella uses to bring a smile to the obvious, but it also imparts a deeper meaning: respecting our planet and each other in the best way we can.
Credits -Text: Trude B-J Margel - Photo: Tingh Kommunikasjon, Molde