Q-Free’s technology the HI-TRAC® CMU has been chosen by the Department of Transport and Main Roads in Queensland as the solution to count and monitor cycle and pedestrian in Queensland. The Government now has over 60 of Q-Free’s counters installed across Brisbane and some are being install and commissioned at this very moment. Q-Free is also maintaining these cycle and pedestrian counters for the Department. Each year, the Queensland Government continues to install more counters as the data from each counter provides them with valuable information. Each counter is installed in locations so they can understand the movement of cyclists and pedestrians and will use the data to install more cycle way and foot path so that the community can ride and walk safely to and from work.
The State Government goal to increase walking and cycling in Australia and have budget millions of dollars to extend and build more cycleway and foot paths.
Below are bike numbers on Veloway (one of Brisbane’s cycleway)

Metrics from State of Cycling Report

TMR’s statement below on their strategy.
“The Queensland Cycling Strategy 2017–2027 is part of a holistic approach to encourage all Queenslanders to enjoy and participate in regular physical activity to improve their health and wellbeing.
The Queensland Cycling Strategy 2017–2027, Queensland Walking Strategy 2019–2029, and the Government’s ten-year sport, active recreation, and physical activity strategy, Activate! Queensland 2019–2029, are key strategies to achieve Our Future State: Advancing Queensland's Priorities particularly the ‘Keep Queenslanders Healthy’ priority.
Many Queensland Government agencies support encouraging more people to ride and delivery of rideable environments through their work on transport, health, planning, education and recreation. We will continue to work across agencies to deliver a better integrated transport network and to make it easier to ride to work, school, or the shops, or for fun and recreation”
Photos of Q-Free’s cycle counter in Queensland.